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 Gluten free is the gluten free diet. Gluten is the protein found mainly in cereals and much more in wheat. Etymologically, the word comes from the Latin gluten which means glue. And it is true that gluten is the main ingredient of flour glue for its adhesive properties!

  Consumption of gluten causes the adhesion of proteins in our gastrointestinal system and deregulates our immune system. In this way, the chances of developing an autoimmune disease increase.

    There are 2 groups of people who benefit from a gluten free diet. The first is people with celiac disease who make up a small portion of the population, around 1%. In this case, gluten intake triggers the destruction of intestinal cells by antibodies. The symptoms of the disease, which usually manifests itself in childhood are abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, weight loss, headaches, rashes, etc. 

        Another small percentage of people suffer from gluten sensitivity. They experience abdominal pain, bloating, weight loss and headache again. In any case, increased gluten intake prevents the absorption of nutrients from foods consumed at the same meal. 

 Finally, a very important clarification should be made. ΔThere are not a few who believe in an urban myth. They believe that by removing gluten from their diet they will lose weight. On the contrary, there is a risk of gaining weight by consuming large amounts of gluten-free products, as gluten free often contain saturated fats, more sugars and additives in order to improve their taste.